My Cat Pictures

Random Cat Fact


Hera at 2 weeks old!

2 week old Kitten

This is an adorable picture of my cat, when we first got her in 2020.

Bottle Feeding

Bottle Feeding

Here's another snapshot of my mischievous feline friend. We bottle fed for just under a month before she was drinking milk out of a bowl!

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Adventurous Hera

This photo captures a moment of pure excitement for little Hera. My cat loves smelling new smells, seeing new things and experiencing all things fun!

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Sassy Hera

Isn't this the cutest little furball you've ever seen? This picture melts my heart every time. Hera was still pretty small in this picture. She had just kicked her kitten fur and was showing off her new gorgeous soft fur.

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Shower Kitty

Hera doesn't like to swim but she loves to join you in the shower or just watch from the side of the bathtub. Depends on the day and her mood.